Transcripts of past AMA
🔊 IAMX AMA with Tim Heidfeld 23/06/2022
Q1. If my friends or acquaintances in the crypto world need me to explain what IAMX is, what should I say?
I. Simple
With IAMX you are connected to the internet, like you are logged in.
You can buy everything with 1Click.
You save time and money in highest convenience.
IAMX is 100% free for the user / customer.
IAMX Identity Wallet: iOS, Android, Browser Plugins.
II. Details
1. Customer owned
2. Customer controlled
3. Portable
4. Decentral
5. Country Conformity: GDPR, AML
6. Interoperable
7. Open
8. User-centric
9. Accessible
10. Secure
11. Multilingual
12. Privacy ensured
13. Technology neutral
14. Simple to manage
I. Software
App iOS Android
Browser Plug-in Chrome
B2B Gateway
B2C Marketplace
Verifiable credential container sets (IP Filing)
W3C DID did:iamx:anyledger
II. Hardware
Biometric Identity Terminal
Scanner [government level]
Biometric Camera
Interface to digital world
III. Marketplace d-Commerce
API Verifier / Seller
How does IAMX compare with other DID solutions?
All other competitors
a) offer did only
b) do KYC KYB AML checks
c) have silos
d) have technology for problems not there
e) have no mass adoption.
a) regards identity as a human right
b) the decentralized identifier did:iamx is W3C registered
c) we are building a marketplace
d) we do customer mass onboarding via telecommunication partners
e) we onboard verifiers of the marketing leading entities in the e-Commerce industry per country regarding revenues
f) we monetize transactions via Affiliate Revenues
g) We are 100 % free for the User / Customer
h) we provide a new revenue stream for our telecommunication partners [of about 3 € per customer per year}
i) we increase the conversion rate of e-commerce partners from about 2% to 5%
j) we add the layer of identity and authentication to the internet. With IAMX you can use the internet like you are logged in.
k) customer benefits: You can buy everything with 1Click. No more form filling and reusable Know-Your-Customer (KYC) process. You own and control your identity. Fully compliant with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Anti Money Laundering (AML).
Market The worldwide turnover in the affiliate marketing sector amounts to € 12 billion in 2022.
Globally, one in five transactions is conducted online in 2022, and by 2025, one in four.
Q2. Can you provide some progress on your Roadmap and what facts #IAMX has achieved so far? And any upcoming plans for #IAMX in the near future?
11/2021: Founding IAMX AG, Zug, Switzerland
11/2021: Proof of Work live end2end, data, verification, shipment, payment, delivery
12/2021: Filed Intellectual Property
03/2022: did:iamx:anyleder if W3C DID method
03/2022: IAMX NFT Identity creator
a) NFT Identity (Twitter, Facebook, Discord, Instagram, GitHub, Marketplace Account, YouTube, Website, IBAN Verification, E-Mail, Mobile Phone Number, Legally binding KYC, legally binding KYB; display follower and fans per source.
b) NFT Lookup, Mouseover
c) Beta IAMX Identity Wallet iOS, Android, Browser Plugins
e) Marketplace, Affiliate Connect
Q3. What is the IAMX revenue model? In which ways do you generate revenue/profit ?
Revenue Types IAMX generates revenues from
token sales and
affiliate marketing (onetime and lifetime revenues)
This analysis focuses on affiliate marketing:
Affiliate marketing is an internet-based sales model in which the intermediary of the customer transactions (publisher) receives a sales commission from the seller of the product or service (merchant).
Commissions amount to approximately 5% in the shopping area and approximately €50 per transaction in the case of continuing obligations.
Market Size
The worldwide turnover in the affiliate marketing sector amounts to € 12 billion in 2022. Globally, one in five transactions is conducted online in 2022, and by 2025, one in four.
Customer View
IAMX customers purchase market-leading products at the most competitive prices. Time-intensive form filling and repeatedly going through a KYC process is no longer necessary. The customer saves time and money and carries out his purchases in the highest convenience manner within just 1 second with 1Click.
Verifier View
The seller saves on his KYC costs and increases his conversion rate with a factor of about 2,5, leading to a significant increased profitability of his marketing investments. The verifier can offer its products for a lower price for this target group, due to the the savings in customer acquisition costs based on the increased conversion rate. The verifier grows faster in the number of new customers than competitors and is still more profitable. The offers of the verifiers are visible in the IAMX App for the customer.
Authentication Agent View
Authentication Agents are verifiers with pre-authenticated customer data, that issue verifiable credential container sets, via the IAMX Identity App, to the Customer. IAMX shares 50 % of the future lifetime revenues caused by this onboarded customer with the authentication agent partners of IAMX.
Q4. So many projects just like to speak about the "long term vision and mission" but what are your short terms objectives? What are you focusing right now ?
a) NFT Identity (Twitter, Facebook, Discord, Instagram, GitHub, Marketplace Account, YouTube, Website, IBAN Verification, E-Mail, Mobile Phone Number, Legally binding KYC, legally binding KYB; display follower and fans per source.
b) NFT Lookup, Mouseover
c) Beta IAMX Identity Wallet iOS, Android, Browser Plugins
e) Marketplace, Affiliate Connect
Q5. Is the tokenomics and distribution model already out? Where can I get them? Can you share the details with us here?
Download Deck inckl. Tokenomics from our website:
Pool: Delegation Center:
Token Ticker IAMX
Type Utility Token
Blockchain Cardano
Token Growth Metrics, Fibonacci
Amount of minted token 60 m
Maximum Supply 2,75 bn IAMX Generation 1
Maximum Float 13,75 bn IAMX Generation 5
Function Utility Token Create Identity, Verify Identity Enabling 1Click-Fulfillment
Physical World Value Verification The costs of authenticating a verifiable credential set amounts to 10 EUR / 10 USD in the physical world for sector continuous obligations, banking products. Methods are Video-Ident, Post-Ident, which are GDPR-conform and AML-compliant.
Reward The first purchaser of the IAMX token receives a maximum of 11 additional token based on Fibonacci replicator algorithm rewarding usage.
The IAMX Token is a utility token. Utility Token have a functionality. When this functionality is used, this is called usage.
The only function of the IAMX utility Token is to create or verify identity.
IAMX uses the Fibonacci sequence in the IAMX Token a. to ensure balance of supply and demand, leading to equilibrium quantity and by this to prevent deflation and inflation (>>>trigger event = usage) b. to reward the first purchaser of the IAMX token (capitalistic reward) c. to ensure this functionality to work independent of IAMX in a decentral model because it is built in the IAMX Token as its DNA Details
Can the goal of balance of supply and demand solved by supplying a certain amount of token per time? No, because it has no connection to the core function of the IAMX token. Equilibrium quantity demands a solution where supply is connected to the core function of the token (create / verify; only).
What is the right model to ensure equilibrium quantity? Can we learn anything from the evolution of populations in biology? Darwinian quantity equation with fibonacci sequence to ensure that the quantity of token and the quantity of value in the economy as a whole are always in the right ratio. The Fibonacci sequence has been discovered by studying population growth based on the sequence 1-1-2-3-5. Fibonacci numbers appear unexpectedly often in mathematics.
Metrics and Conditions of IAMX Token Distribution Generation 1
Purpose: Usage. Amount: 2,2 billion (80 %) Condition: 1 new customer = 1 new IAMX Token. Example: Telecommunication onboards 10 million (m) new customers. 10 m IAMX Token are minted and transferred to the wallet receive address of the new customer to create IAMX identity. New customers + Purpose: Purchasers Amount: 374 million (14%) Condition: Please compare prices in slide IAMX Token Private Sale Phases. Example: Purchaser pays €10.000 with a price of €0,40 per IAMX Token. Purchaser receives 25.000 IAMX Token with a linear vesting period of 25 months, meaning that 1.000 IAMX Token can be claimed monthly via the IAMX Delegation Center. + Purpose: Team Amount: 75 million (3 %) Condition: Performance and milestone achievements of IAMX Team members. + Purpose: Marketing Amount: 50 million (2%) Condition: Contribute to profitable customer acquisition. + Purpose: Community Amount: 26 million (1%) Condition: Delegate to IAMX Pool. + Purpose: Innovation Amount: 25 million (1%) Condition: Contribute to development of further business areas and revenue streams.
III. What are the 80 % (2,2 bn) IAMX Token Supply?
98% of the issuance of the IAMX Token is bound to release metrics regarding the usage of the IAMX Token for its function to create and verify identity.
This includes 1 Customer = 1 IAMX Token, building the ecosystem and the Fibonacci sequence.
This also means: 0 customers = 0 more IAMX Token.
The IAMX Token adds the layer of identity and authentication to the internet. With the IAMX Token, you can use the internet like you are logged in. Benefits: You can buy everything with 1Click. No more form filling and reusable Know-Your-Customer (KYC) process. You own and control your identity. Fully compliant with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Anti Money Laundering (AML).
IV. Why to use Fibonacci
Imagine, you issue a Token.
Next question would be, how many token at what time. Please write this down, before you continue reading.
Issuing Token is like issuing money. Why?:
If you issue too much, the price falls.
If you issue too little, the price increases.
What can we learn from other projects?
Most issue a certain amount of token, at a certain time.
But, ... this really does not solve the problem, it is either too much or too little. Agree? Y/N If no continue reading:
What can we learn from nature, from biology regarding the goal to achieve balance. Balance means, not too much token and not too little and to hit timing on the sweet spot.
Most populations develop in a certain sequence. 1-1-2-3-5. Please compare the Fibonacci sequence for this. Details:
Can we adapt this to a Token? Hm, nobody has done this before.
Why should we do this? Because we need a Token Development Metric,
a) that is independent of the company itself, independent of IAMX, independent of the management;
b) that ensures balance between supply and demand, also referred to as Equilibrium quantity, Details / Explanation: Equilibrium quantity is when there is no shortage or surplus of a product in the market. Supply and demand intersect, meaning the amount of an item that consumers want to buy is equal to the amount being supplied by its producers. What is the right model for this? Can we learn anything from the evolution of populations in biology? Darwinian quantity equation in combination with Fibonacci sequence to ensure that the quantity of token and the quantity of value in the economy as a whole are always in the right ratio.
c) that is decentral, Details: In a decentral model, it must be ensured, that this works independent of IAMX, via trigger events that lead to issuance of further token, only if usage happens.
d) that is connected to the core function of the Token, in this case - the core function of the IAMX Token is to create of verify identity. Nothing else.
OK, but why does this help?
a) It prevents inflation (Inflation occurs when demand is higher than supply)
b) It prevents deflation (Deflation occurs when demand is lower than supply)
c) simplified: if the Token does, what it intented to do (and nothing else), then it grows.
14. This is Fibonacci and the main reason why we are using it, regarding the amount of IAMX Token out there.
Q6. What benefits will a user get if they hold #IAMX token? The defi/NFT market is very furious nowadays. Lets talk about fear, There's always risk out there like being scammed, rug pulled and so on, What are the real use cases of #IAMX token?
First Purchaser Benefit / Capitalistic Reward based on Fibonacci.
Receive 1 IAMX Token and sell it up to 12 times. (1-1-2-3-5)
Delegate to IAMX Pool. Pool: Delegation Center:
Metric: a) 1.460 ADA = 1 IAMX Token per Epoch (73 epochs per year) b) Value 73 IAMX Token Generation 1 * Fibonacci max sequence 12 = 876 IAMX Token
How does Fibonacci work regarding the Token Generations?
a) You buy 1 IAMX Token Generation 1.
b) You sell this 1 IAMX Token. You receive the payment for selling 1 Token.
c) The Token is used for its intended purpose, meaning to create or verify identity. Then you get 1 Token back.
d) You also sell this 1 Token. You receive the payment for selling 1 Token for the 2nd time.
e) The Token is used for its intended purpose, meaning to create or verify identity. Then you get 2 Token back.
f) You sell those 2 Token. You receive the payment for selling 2 Token.
g) The 2 Token are used for its intended purpose, meaning create or verify identity. Then you get 3 Token back.
i) You sell those 3 Token. You receive the payment for selling 3 Token.
j) The 3 Token are used for its intended purpose, meaning create or verify identity. Then you get 5 Token back.
k) You sell those 5 Token. You receive the payment for selling 5 Token.
l) The 5 Token are used for its intended purpose, meaning create or verify identity. You receive no additional Token.
Questions from Twitter
Q1. What is IAMX's revenue model? In which ways do you generate revenue/profit ? So many projects just like to speak about the "long term vision and mission" but what are your short terms objectives? What are you focusing right now?
Revenue Types
IAMX generates revenues from
token sales and
affiliate marketing (onetime and lifetime revenues)
This analysis focuses on affiliate marketing:
Affiliate marketing is an internet-based sales model in which the intermediary of the customer transactions (publisher) receives a sales commission from the seller of the product or service (merchant).
Commissions amount to approximately 5% in the shopping area and approximately €50 per transaction in the case of continuing obligations.
Market Size
The worldwide turnover in the affiliate marketing sector amounts to € 12 billion in 2022. Globally, one in five transactions is conducted online in 2022, and by 2025, one in four.
Customer View
IAMX customers purchase market-leading products at the most competitive prices. Time-intensive form filling and repeatedly going through a KYC process is no longer necessary. The customer saves time and money and carries out his purchases in the highest convenience manner within just 1 second with 1Click.
Verifier View
The seller saves on his KYC costs and increases his conversion rate with a factor of about 2,5, leading to a significant increased profitability of his marketing investments. The verifier can offer its products for a lower price for this target group, due to the the savings in customer acquisition costs based on the increased conversion rate. The verifier grows faster in the number of new customers than competitors and is still more profitable. The offers of the verifiers are visible in the IAMX App for the customer.
Authentication Agent View
Authentication Agents are verifiers with pre-authenticated customer data, that issue verifiable credential container sets, via the IAMX Identity App, to the Customer.
IAMX shares 50 % of the future lifetime revenues caused by this onboarded customer with the authentication agent partners of IAMX
Q2. What kind of partnerships with different projects/platforms/protocols can we expect from IAMX in the future? Could you give us some examples of how other projects can leverage IAMX?
Future Partners
NFT Marketplaces
NFT Wallets
E-Commerce Telecommunication Companies
Q3. A portion of projects must discuss "long-term vision and mission," but what are your short-term goals? What are you currently focusing on? The first step, particularly the diversion, is always critical in establishing a financial foundation for the subsequent steps?
a) NFT Identity (Twitter, Facebook, Discord, Instagram, GitHub, Marketplace Account, YouTube, Website, IBAN Verification, E-Mail, Mobile Phone Number, Legally binding KYC, legally binding KYB; display follower and fans per source.
b) NFT Lookup, Mouseover
c) Beta IAMX Identity Wallet iOS, Android, Browser Plugins
e) Marketplace, Affiliate Connect
Q4. Security is something basic and necessary in any kind of project and now more than ever the community wants security so I'd like to know what mechanisms or measures you have in place to protect your users? How secure are your smart contracts against attacks? Have they been audited?
IAMX Identity and Verification is like a minecraft building block, that can be used in any smart contract
We are currently running two audits
Q5. All the goals of your project is absolutely great, But One of the main factors users looking for in the crypto project is the use cases of the token? So what are the Use cases of $IAMX token in your platform? What are your plan to increase the adoption of $IAMX token?
de facto standard by usage, mass market adoption, buyers from telecommunication partners, sellers from affiliate segment
marketplace model to connect buyer and seller in 1Click-Fulfillment
GDPR conformity
Questions from members
Q1. Can you list 1-3 killer features of this project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your project has that you feel most confident about?
de facto standard by usage, mass market adoption, buyers from telecommunication partners, sellers from affiliate segment
marketplace model to connect buyer and seller in 1Click-Fulfillment
GDPR conformity
Q2. What is your top 3 things for priorities in 2022? Could you share some plans for the upcoming year?
11/2021: Founding IAMX AG, Zug, Switzerland
11/2021: Proof of Work live end2end, data, verification, shipment, payment, delivery
12/2021: Filed Intellectual Property
03/2022: did:iamx:anyleder if W3C DID method
03/2022: IAMX NFT Identity creator
a) NFT Identity (Twitter, Facebook, Discord, Instagram, GitHub, Marketplace Account, YouTube, Website, IBAN Verification, E-Mail, Mobile Phone Number, Legally binding KYC, legally binding KYB; display follower and fans per source.
b) NFT Lookup, Mouseover
c) Beta IAMX Identity Wallet iOS, Android, Browser Plugins
e) Marketplace, Affiliate Connect
Q3. Do you have any plan for burning tokens in the future to reduce the supply of the token and increase its investment attractiveness?
Pool: Delegation Center:
Token Ticker IAMX
Type Utility Token
Blockchain Cardano
Token Growth Metrics, Fibonacci
Amount of minted token 60 m
Maximum Supply 2,75 bn IAMX Generation 1
Maximum Float 13,75 bn IAMX Generation 5
Function Utility Token Create Identity, Verify Identity Enabling 1Click-Fulfillment
Physical World Value Verification The costs of authenticating a verifiable credential set amounts to 10 EUR / 10 USD in the physical world for sector continuous obligations, banking products. Methods are Video-Ident, Post-Ident, which are GDPR-conform and AML-compliant.
Reward The first purchaser of the IAMX token receives a maximum of 11 additional token based on Fibonacci replicator algorithm rewarding usage.
The IAMX Token is a utility token. Utility Token have a functionality. When this functionality is used, this is called usage.
The only function of the IAMX utility Token is to create or verify identity.
IAMX uses the Fibonacci sequence in the IAMX Token a. to ensure balance of supply and demand, leading to equilibrium quantity and by this to prevent deflation and inflation (>>>trigger event = usage) b. to reward the first purchaser of the IAMX token (capitalistic reward) c. to ensure this functionality to work independent of IAMX in a decentral model because it is built in the IAMX Token as its DNA Details
Can the goal of balance of supply and demand solved by supplying a certain amount of token per time? No, because it has no connection to the core function of the IAMX token. Equilibrium quantity demands a solution where supply is connected to the core function of the token (create / verify; only).
What is the right model to ensure equilibrium quantity? Can we learn anything from the evolution of populations in biology? Darwinian quantity equation with fibonacci sequence to ensure that the quantity of token and the quantity of value in the economy as a whole are always in the right ratio. The Fibonacci sequence has been discovered by studying population growth based on the sequence 1-1-2-3-5. Fibonacci numbers appear unexpectedly often in mathematics.
Metrics and Conditions of IAMX Token Distribution Generation 1
Purpose: Usage. Amount: 2,2 billion (80 %) Condition: 1 new customer = 1 new IAMX Token. Example: Telecommunication onboards 10 million (m) new customers. 10 m IAMX Token are minted and transferred to the wallet receive address of the new customer to create IAMX identity. New customers + Purpose: Purchasers Amount: 374 million (14%) Condition: Please compare prices in slide IAMX Token Private Sale Phases. Example: Purchaser pays €10.000 with a price of €0,40 per IAMX Token. Purchaser receives 25.000 IAMX Token with a linear vesting period of 25 months, meaning that 1.000 IAMX Token can be claimed monthly via the IAMX Delegation Center. + Purpose: Team Amount: 75 million (3 %) Condition: Performance and milestone achievements of IAMX Team members. + Purpose: Marketing Amount: 50 million (2%) Condition: Contribute to profitable customer acquisition. + Purpose: Community Amount: 26 million (1%) Condition: Delegate to IAMX Pool. + Purpose: Innovation Amount: 25 million (1%) Condition: Contribute to development of further business areas and revenue streams.
III. What are the 80 % (2,2 bn) IAMX Token Supply?
98% of the issuance of the IAMX Token is bound to release metrics regarding the usage of the IAMX Token for its function to create and verify identity.
This includes 1 Customer = 1 IAMX Token, building the ecosystem and the Fibonacci sequence.
This also means: 0 customers = 0 more IAMX Token.
The IAMX Token adds the layer of identity and authentication to the internet. With the IAMX Token, you can use the internet like you are logged in. Benefits: You can buy everything with 1Click. No more form filling and reusable Know-Your-Customer (KYC) process. You own and control your identity. Fully compliant with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Anti Money Laundering (AML).
IV. Why to use Fibonacci
Imagine, you issue a Token.
Next question would be, how many token at what time. Please write this down, before you continue reading.
Issuing Token is like issuing money. Why?:
If you issue too much, the price falls.
If you issue too little, the price increases.
What can we learn from other projects?
Most issue a certain amount of token, at a certain time.
But, ... this really does not solve the problem, it is either too much or too little. Agree? Y/N If no continue reading:
What can we learn from nature, from biology regarding the goal to achieve balance. Balance means, not too much token and not too little and to hit timing on the sweet spot.
Most populations develop in a certain sequence. 1-1-2-3-5. Please compare the Fibonacci sequence for this. Details:
Can we adapt this to a Token? Hm, nobody has done this before.
Why should we do this? Because we need a Token Development Metric,
a) that is independent of the company itself, independent of IAMX, independent of the management;
b) that ensures balance between supply and demand, also referred to as Equilibrium quantity, Details / Explanation: Equilibrium quantity is when there is no shortage or surplus of a product in the market. Supply and demand intersect, meaning the amount of an item that consumers want to buy is equal to the amount being supplied by its producers. What is the right model for this? Can we learn anything from the evolution of populations in biology? Darwinian quantity equation in combination with Fibonacci sequence to ensure that the quantity of token and the quantity of value in the economy as a whole are always in the right ratio.
c) that is decentral, Details: In a decentral model, it must be ensured, that this works independent of IAMX, via trigger events that lead to issuance of further token, only if usage happens.
d) that is connected to the core function of the Token, in this case - the core function of the IAMX Token is to create of verify identity. Nothing else.
OK, but why does this help?
a) It prevents inflation (Inflation occurs when demand is higher than supply)
b) It prevents deflation (Deflation occurs when demand is lower than supply)
c) simplified: if the Token does, what it intented to do (and nothing else), then it grows.
This is Fibonacci and the main reason why we are using it, regarding the amount of IAMX Token out there.
Q4. What is the competitive advantage of your project? Can you tell me 1-3 best characteristics of your project that other projects don't have to convince me and other investors to invest in your project for a long time?
All other that we know
a) offer did only
b) do KYC KYB AML cheks
c) have silos
d) have technology for problems not there
e) have no mass adoption.
a) regards identity as a human right
b) the decentralized identitifer did:iamx is W3C registered
c) we are building a marketplace
d) we do customer mass onboarding via telcommunication partners
e) we onboard verifiers of the marketing leading entities in the e-Commerce industry per country regarding revenues
f) we monetize transactions via Affilate Revenues
g) We are 100 % free for the User / Customer
h) we provide a new revenue stream for our telecommunication partners [of about 3 € per customer per year}
i) we increase the conversion rate of e-commerce partners from about 2% to 5% j) we add the layer of identity and authentication to the internet. With IAMX you can use the internet like you are logged in.
k) customer benefits: You can buy everything with 1Click. No more form filling and reusable Know-Your-Customer (KYC) process. You own and control your identity. Fully compliant with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Anti Money Laundering (AML).
Last updated